Press Archive

03/25/2024 Christoph Auerbach becomes new COO of NORD/LB

Dr Christoph Auerbach (46) will join the Managing Board team of NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank as the new Chief Operating Officer (COO) on 1 April. Auerbach will initially begin his role as Chief Representative and will be responsible for the areas of Information Technology (IT), Data Insights and Business Management & Operations at NORD/LB from the start of the second quarter.

03/16/2024 Moody's raises NORD/LB's ratings significantly

The rating agency Moody's has raised the ratings of NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank by up to four notches in total.

03/15/2024 NORD/LB increases earnings before taxes in 2023 to € 271 million

NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank generated earnings before taxes of € 271 million in the 2023 financial year. This more than doubled the previous year's result of € 104 million (increase of 161 per cent). Consolidated profit also rose noticeably. After € 89 million in 2022, the bank increased its consolidated profit to € 224 million in 2023 (an increase of 152 per cent).

03/12/2024 NORD/LB finances a large-scale solar farm in Australia for European Energy

NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank is financing a large-scale solar farm in Australia for its long-term client European Energy ("EE"). EE is a project developer for wind and PV farms headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark.

02/13/2024 NORD/LB finances fast-charging parks as part of the transport transition project Deutschlandnetz

NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank is financing new fast-charging parks with more than 300 charging points on German freeways and is thus supporting the transport transition in Germany as a financing partner.

02/07/2024 NORD/LB successfully places public Pfandbrief in benchmark format

NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank successfully issued a public sector covered bond in benchmark format yesterday.

02/02/2024 Fitch upgrades NORD/LB's standalone rating

The rating agency Fitch has upgraded the viability rating of NORD/LB Norddeutsche Landesbank from 'bb' to 'bb+'.

01/04/2024 NORD/LB places first Green Bond of the year

- Issue volume of 500 million euros with a term of 7 years - Coupon of 2.875 per cent - Funds will be used to finance particularly energy-efficient buildings