In the area of financials, we deal with bank-specific and regulatory issues, with a particular focus on the European market. We create in-depth special studies on selected topics. We also deal with the analysis of credit institutions and the assessment of the banking sector in general.
Financials Specials
Issuer Reports Banks
Current issue
NORD/LB Issuer Profile - Jefferies Financial Group
NORD/LB Issuer Profile - Jefferies Financial Group (PDF, 524 KB)Further issues
Dr. Frederik Kunze
Floor Research | Covered Bonds, Financials
Phone: +49 (0) 511 361-5380
Mobile: +49 (0) 172 3548 977
Lukas Kühne
Floor Research | Covered Bonds, Financials
Mobile: +49 (0) 176 1529 0932
Alexander Grenner
Floor Research | Covered Bonds, Financials
Mobile: +49 (0) 1578 5165 070