![[Translate to Englisch:] Illu Hinweise und Beschwerden abgeben](/fileadmin/redaktion/Rechtliche_Hinweise/Bilder/Hinweise-Beschwerde-abgeben-1920x1080px-frei.png)
Submitting a note/complaint to NORD/LB
You have a concern about which you would like to contact us. Please select the topic you would like to talk about, so we are able to assign the right contact person for you straight away:
Your contentment is our top priority. It is important to us to give you the opportunity to raise criticism. We have therefore set up a complaints office and provided for complaint management measures.
You can submit complaints to NORD/LB electronically, in writing or verbally.
For written complaints, please contact:
Norddeutsche Landesbank – Girozentrale –
Friedrichswall 10
30159 Hanover
Please find further details here:
Complaints Management Principles of Norddeutsche Landesbank - Girozentrale
Electronically transmitted complaints can be sent by contact form.
Please select the topic "Complaint" iin our contact form first. So we are able to assign the right contact person for you straight away:
Out-of-court dispute resolution
Sometimes it might happenthat we cannot find a satisfactory solution for you.
In the event of disputes with NORD/LB, you have the option of contacting the conciliation body at the Association of German Public Sector Banks (VÖB).
The request have to be sent in text form to the following address:
Consumer Conciliation Board at the Association of German Public Sector Banks (VÖB)
PO Box 11 02 72
E-mail: ombudsmann@voeb-kbs.de
Internet: www.voeb.de/de/verband/ombudsmann
Further details are regulated by the rules of procedure of the VÖB conciliation board, which are available on request or can be viewed at www.voeb.de.
NORD/LB participates in the dispute resolution procedure before this recognised consumer arbitration board. It is also possible to file a civil court action.
For the out-of-court settlement of disputes arising from contracts concluded online, consumers can alternatively turn to the online dispute resolution platform at the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/odr
Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (LkSG)
The LkSG obliges companies with a workforce of 3,000 employees or more to set up a complaints procedure from 01 January 2023 to receive complaints regarding possible human rights and environmental violations along their own supply chain or in their own business area.
NORD/LB supports the aim of the LkSG and has therefore set up the possibility of submitting a complaint.
In order to be able to respond to you and process your complaint in the best possible way, we need the following information:
- Your name and contact information (e-mail address) including country of residence.
- Which action by NORD/LB or one of its suppliers is related to your reasons for complaint?
- Explain to us in as much detail as possible the adverse effects or risks and how you are affected by them. Please attach any documentation you consider relevant to the complaint.
- If relevant, tell us our standards or policies that we are supposed to have violated.
- What you hope to gain from the complaint and how we can best address your complaint.
All information you provide will be treated confidentially.
For further details on how to proceed once we have received your complaint, please refer to the Rules of Procedure.
Rules of Procedure for the Complaints Procedure under the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (LkSG) of Norddeutsche Landesbank - Girozentrale -
Electronically transmitted complaints can be sent directly to the central office "Supply Chain Due Diligence Act" via the contact form.
Please select the topic "Supply Chain Due Diligence Act" in our contact form first:
Direct mail to the " Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains " team
Reporting misconduct on the part of our employees / whistleblower system
In its corporate values, NORD/LB is committed to behaving with integrity in its dealings with each other and with its customers. We are therefore strongly committed to preventing and punishing misconduct. This also means that we are open to information that leads to the clarification of white-collar crime and violations of legal, regulatory or internal requirements in connection with NORD/LB.
If you would like to provide us with a tip, you can do so via the following contact address:
Money Laundering Officer
Friedrichswall 10
30159 Hanover
Tel.: +49 (0)511 361 2228
E-mail to Team FrauD-Prevention of the money laundering officer
If you wish to hand over your tip in person, please report to reception and ask to speak to the Money Laundering Officer.
Alternatively, you can also contact our ombudsman Dr. Buchert. There you also have the option of submitting an (anonymous) report. In any case, your information will be treated as strictly confidential and we assure you that we will take into account the legitimate interests of all parties involved to the extent permitted by law.
Electronically transmitted complaints can be sent by contact form. Please select the topic "Detection of misconduct" in our contact form first. So we are able to assign the right contact person for you straight away:
Direct mail to the " Money Laundering Officer/ whistleblower system" team
As an external reporting office, there is also the whistleblower page of BaFin (Federal Financial Supervisory Authority). However, we would like to ask you to first give us the opportunity to investigate a possible error. Thank you.
Our whistleblower system complies with the requirements of the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG) (in german only). The Act protects reporting persons who have obtained information about violations in connection with their professional activities or in the run-up to professional activities and submit these to the reporting offices offered here. It also protects persons who are the subject of a report or disclosure, as well as other persons who are affected by a report or disclosure. In this regard, the protection refers to reprisals (acts or omissions in connection with professional activity) which are a reaction to a report or disclosure and as a result of which the person making the reference suffers or may suffer an unjustified disadvantage.
We would like to point out that the sole purpose of this whistleblower system is to draw attention to suspected white-collar criminal acts as well as violations of the law and breaches of regulatory or internal requirements (in the NORD/LB Group). Misuse for other purposes may constitute an administrative offense, which may be accompanied by fines (see §§ 9, 32, 38 and 40 HinSchG).
Submitting a note/complaint to NORD/LB
You have a concern about which you would like to contact us. Please select the topic you would like to talk about: