Our expertise for discerning customers

Germany-wide and rooted in the region

Financial decisions set the course for life. That's why the demands on your advice cannot be high enough. Our range of services is therefore not just designed for short-term measures. Rather, you will receive your own personal, customised script that will help you to secure your financial life's achievements for generations to come.

We offer concepts and recommendations in the areas of asset investment, property financing, strategic wealth planning and inheritance and foundation management to wealthy clients with private and business backgrounds as well as institutional wealthy investors, associations, trade unions, organisations and foundations.

We are the specialists for your financial needs. With our expertise you create more flexibility for yourself.

Our specialists for your financial and investment needs

From our offices in Hanover, Hamburg, Oldenburg and Bremen, we provide you with nationwide support for your individual financial and investment requirements. We look forward to getting to know you and introducing you to our services in an initial personal meeting. Find your contact person here:

Contact Hanover

Philipp Otte, Head of Private Investors Hanover

"Not speaking technical jargon, but understanding needs correctly - that's what makes my work special."

Get to know the entire Private Investors team from Hanover:

Contact Team

Contact Hamburg

Michael Toboll, Head of Private Investors Hamburg

"Close ties: This is how I turn private banking into personal banking."

Get to know the entire Private Investors team from Hamburg:

Contact Team

Contact Bremen, Oldenburg

Mario Carstens, Head of Private Investors Bremen and Oldenburg

"Developing good ideas for every situation - that's my job."

Get to know the entire Private Investors team from Bremen and Oldenburg:

Contact Team

Our special topic: Freelance professions

Whether you come to us as a doctor or pharmacist, lawyer or accountant, architect or engineer, we focus on you as a person – both professionally and privately.

We take care of all your financial issues and develop coherent concepts depending on your life situation. From founding a practice, property financing and asset investments to succession planning and your retirement, we are always at your side. For you, this means continuity and reliability, that allows you to focus entirely on your work.

Rely on our industry expertise and trust our experienced specialists.

You will find more information in the brochure
More time, more knowledge: our expertise for freelancers (german only).

Contact person for self-employed freelancers

Jörg Wiebersiek, Head of Private Investors self-employed freelancers

"No matter what situation you find yourself in: We want you to do well - both professionally and privately."

Get to know the entire Private Investors self-employed freelancers team:

Contact Team
